The PeopleScope Suite is designed to support and facilitate the job of the HR function at all levels...
not only would life be easier for the HR Team, but its productivity and efficiency would be significantly enhanced...leading to quicker, better work,with less errors and more satisfaction..naturally better results with more smiles!.
The PeopleScope Suite offers a range of easy to use,integrable,customizable products that are designed by a team of technologies especially for SME's and corporates. All the applications are:
Salarium the payroll processing software from PeopleScope has been designed as per current Payroll Processing conventions in India and is flexible enough to take care of changes that could be brought into effect in the near future.
Developed using the latest technology,salarium is universally accessible.This allows immense end user convenience.
ORA is a useful tool to effectively manage various complex scenarios in the area of Employee Attendance Management across different verticals
Personata is a one-point comprehensive interface with the HR function for all employees throughout the company. This application will reduce significantly a large amount of administrative and clerical work mandated to the HR Team. Personata is ideal for companies with a largely distributed workforce (Sales and service team across different regions).
Recruitin is the solution for the complexities related to recruitment process in any organization, it has got very comprehensive candidate search. Vacancy can be tracked through multiple stages and various analytical reports are available.
TrainMe is comprehensive solution to manage all the activites related to training programs in any organization. The system and reports are designed considering the requirements of ISO systems
PMS takes care of the definition of KRA’s / Objectives and review work flow as per the stipulated period defined in the organization. The data is managed and presented so well that this comes as a handy tool for any HR manager.
MeetMan provides efficient tool for maximize the productivity of every meeting; Organization can drive accountability, streamline meeting procedures with scheduling, executing meeting calendar & align management goals.
TravelTrack manages the employee travel calendar, travel plan and reimbursement related information with detailed reports. This is useful for employee travel expense management in organization.
EmpAssets manages assets related information (provided to employees) and gives you complete information with all the details. This is integrated with full and final process so management can track the status of valuables before full and final procedure.
GmsTrack offers user friendly complaint management system which can be used to address complaints effectively in a timely manner & management can maintain good relationship with all employees.
VisMan manages the visitor data very well and gives you complete information with photographs for all the visitors. This is useful for tracking and analyzing visitor flow as well very much essential from security perspective in any organization
Discipsys is the solution to manage discipline policies in any organization and gives you complete information with all the employee’s behaviors & proposed action details. This is useful for tracking and analyzing behavioral mapping as well essential from legal perspective in any organization.
The PeopleScope mobile app empowers your employees with smart & advanced mobile technology for smarter workforce in action. It helps to stay connected with PeopleScope HRMS for better decision & productivity in the organization with any time access to information.
Maven Tech Services(MTS) was founded in 2011 with the intention of providing Information Technology(IT) services and business solutions for Industrial and Corporate enterprises and Governmental and other social entities
As part of this initiative, MTS offers PeopleScope, its own range of software applications for the Human Resources(HR) Management function in SME's.The design of these applications is based on the extensive experience of the MTS Team and its partners,both in the area of management,as well as technology,and is geared towards MTS' essential goal of supporting growth in the user enterprise through the application of appropriate technology.
Many small industries and enterprises do not have the business bandwidth to develop high levels of competences in the implementation and application of information technology solutions.Some shy away from using technology,having burnt their fingers buying expensive products that they cannot utilize efficiently enough, leading to loss of resources without commensurate gain
MTS is dedicated to supporting these enterprises to harness the power of information technology to boost their businesses to grow smartly to their full potential.
Maven Tech Services genesis in the offering of business solutions.
Disclaimer: Specifications are subject to change/improvement without notice.Brand names & Logos used are property of respective owners.